Terms and Conditions


The website edevize.ro (hereinafter referred to as SITE) is created and managed by S.C. Exenne Technologies S.R.L, a legal entity headquartered in Pitesti, fiscal code RO 29440735, and registered in the trade register under number J03/1656/12.12/2011.

This site is offered in the form it is accessed by users, without any other warranties. The Site cannot be held responsible for discrepancies, unavailability, or other defects of this site or its content.

If you use the services or information provided by this website, it will be equivalent to your acceptance of the terms and conditions below.

These terms and conditions may change from time to time. You will be notified whenever changes occur in the terms and conditions of the website. Also, these terms are supplemented by the provisions of the license accepted by you at the time of installation of the Program developed by the Company that manages this website.

  1. Intellectual Property Protection
  2. Use of the Site Content
  3. Suspension of Access
  4. Changes to the Website
  5. Registration, Passwords, and Responsibilities
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Attention
  8. Force Majeure
  9. Miscellaneous
  10. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

1. Intellectual Property Protection

The content and design of The Site (as well as any other material related to The Site) sent to you by email or provided to you in any other way (such as articles, newsletters, design, and any other materials referred to hereinafter as „Site Content”) belong to The Site and its collaborators – where this is expressly specified or no other author is specified – (copyright) and are protected by intellectual property legislation.

You cannot use, reproduce, or allow anyone else to use or reproduce the materials without obtaining written permission from The Site. If you publish copyrighted content on The Site, you declare that:

  • you agree to grant a non-exclusive, free, unlimited in time and space license to The Site for all copyright rights over the content published by you on The Site
  • you guarantee that you are the author of the published content or that you have the right to publish it on The Site
  • you release The Site from any liability regarding any complaint made by third parties regarding the content published by you and hosted by The Site

The Site reserves the right to correct, modify, or delete the content posted by you without notifying you.

2. Use of Site Content

You may copy and print the Site Content (data, images, and any other type of information presented on The Site) only for your personal, non-commercial use. In any other cases, the Site Content cannot be reproduced, modified, or exploited, regardless of the commercial or non-commercial purpose of such exploitation.

The actions described below are not allowed without obtaining prior written permission from The Site:

  1. reproduction or storage of the Content, as well as sending this content to any other website, server, or any other means of information storage.
  2. modification, publication, transmission, as well as participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying, or displaying the Content, without obtaining our prior written permission.
  3. removal of the copyright signs indicating The Site‘s copyright on the Content.

Any use of the Site Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by this document is prohibited. Requests to use the content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by this document can be sent to the email address: office@edevize.ro.

3. Suspension of Access

The Site may, without any further notice or formality and without explaining its attitude, suspend or terminate your access to the Site Content or a part of this content.

4. Changes to the Site

The Site reserves the right to suspend, modify, add, or delete portions of its Content at any time. Also, the Site reserves the right to restrict users’ access to a part or the entire content.

5. Registration, Passwords, Responsibilities

Your access to certain services and information within The Site is protected by a password. We recommend not to disclose this password to anyone. The Site will never ask for your account passwords in unsolicited messages or phone calls. Therefore, please do not disclose this password to individuals who request it. Moreover, if possible, remember to log out of your user account on The Site at the end of each usage session. We also advise you to close your browser window at the end of your navigation on The Site.

These tips are intended to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information or correspondence when working in a public computer network (in internet cafes, for example).

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Consequently, despite our efforts to protect your personal information, The Site cannot ensure or guarantee the security of the information transmitted by you to us, to and from our online services or products. Therefore, we alert you that any information sent to us will be at your own risk.

Each registration is made for a single user. Sharing access data (username and password) in The Site‘s account is prohibited. The Site does not allow multiple users’ access or network access to its Content based on the same access account. In case such accesses are discovered, The Site reserves the right to cancel or suspend your access to its Content.

6. Privacy Agreement

The information you provide about yourself to The Site will be used only in accordance with the terms of The Site‘s Privacy Agreement.

7. Attention!

Although efforts are made at all times to ensure the quality and accuracy of the articles published on the site, The Site cannot guarantee, expressly or implicitly, the content, The Site, the software, or the products and services published under its auspices. The Site assumes no responsibility, under any circumstances, for any direct or indirect damage, for any direct or indirect loss of profit (including, but not limited to, loss of profit, interruption of business, or other pecuniary damages), suffered due to the use or interruption of use or irregularity of the information and services provided by the site, even if The Site has previously warned that using this information without specialized consulting can generate such damages.

The Site does not guarantee the accuracy, correctness, or current nature of the information or services provided by the site. Also, The Site does not guarantee that the computer systems or programs used to display or transmit information on the site or in any other form do not contain viruses or other destructive code sequences or other destructive properties.

You agree to release The Site from any judicial or extrajudicial actions and to cover the legal expenses and any other expenses that may arise due to your violation of the clauses of this contract.

8. Force Majeure

The Site, its affiliates, or in general, information providers to The Site cannot be held responsible for any delay or error in the content provided by our publications, resulting directly or indirectly from causes beyond the control of The Site. This exemption includes, but is not limited to: malfunctions of The Site‘s technical equipment, lack of internet connection, lack of phone connections, computer viruses, unauthorized access to The Site‘s systems, operational errors, strikes, etc.

9. Miscellaneous

The Site is entitled, without notice and without fulfilling other formalities, to change the terms of this agreement. However, when these terms are modified, The Site will notify you by email and by posting a link on the first page of the site, referring to the new form of this document. Access to the site and the use of our services after the moment of notification or posting comments about the changes on the first page of the site imply your agreement to the new terms of this agreement.

10. Governing Law

The rights and obligations of the parties imposed by this agreement, as well as all legal effects produced by this agreement, will be interpreted and governed by the current Romanian law. Any dispute arising from this agreement will be brought for resolution in front of the Romanian courts at the headquarters of the company that manages the Site. Thank you.